ponedeljek, 19. januar 2015

Day dreaming :)

In my last blog about this crazy road trip to Lapland i promised in the next blog i will write about day dreaming :)
Last week i was thinking and reading a lot about dreaming, ok i was always interested in dreams, deja vu and their meanings....but this time i was focusing more about day dreaming which in my point of view means short daily escape from reality. I dont know how to express me better but i suppose you know what i mean. I was reading a lot about what people think and how they feel about this escape from reality :)
In my point of view dy dreaming is something that can in "normal amount" help us to survive. Yes i am a dreamer. But lately i havent been day dreaming much, soo i noticed im missing my little moments when i can imagine the world in different colours :)
Ok so day dreaming is one thing when we can be wherever we want to be. Is something we should learn from. I think is process in which we can really grow. Today morning i decide i will go to gym without my tablet so while doing cardio i can "dream". And the time just went by soo fast. I was dreaming. And the dreams were nice, and i will make my day dreams into reality. Of course a lot of dreams we can not really turn into reality but still, if we dont believe we can not turn anything into reality. Soo my blog is trying to encourage you to dream. Day dreaming is not a bad thing. If we are able to learn from it. I dont like the idea when the kids that are called dreamers are normally pushed into edge of society, saying this kids are weird so introvert and  similar things. I used to work with different kids and i need to say that this kids even they can not always show they are full of life. They are afraid to tell and show what they are dreaming just because they feel they wont get any support and understanding. This message is for all of us. To open our minds and to start believe and to dream. There is so many ppl outside somewhere all around the world who dream and they are not shame to share.
I will share piece of my day dreams from summer for the end. My day dreams that i will turn them into reality soon :P
When i got the msg i was choosen (ok, off topic i was just playing table tennis with 7 year old girl, omg she plays soo good, but yes she was afraid to try to play before, but i guess now i have table tennis partner for some time :D ) ok so back to my summer day dreaming....yes i got the msg i will work in Finland next year i got the crazy idea i should go there with car. Its just 2500km one way, not that bad since i used to drive a lot and i love to drive. But then all this you are crazy u wont make its too far its to dangerous advices start to circle my minds...and yes i was crazy i started to think ok i wont make, forget about the idea and just bought plane tickets...One week ago (im living in Finland for 5 months now) i started to dream again. It was just that moment when i realized i was thinking to much and doing to little. The moment i realized i was believing into others and encouraging other, that at some point i forgot about myself. Last months i wasnt dreaming that much, maybe because reality was too good  at some moments? Maybe. But still there is this little girl inside of me, who reminds me : "hey petra its time to dream again" and i replied, yes and its also time to do something about it :) hmm as i probably mentioned in my previous blogs i dream big. Kinda...but still sometimes i dont believe enough...learning is a life time process, and im trying not to look for excuses even though sometimes is nice to have one, but still at the end of the day we are alone in our thoughts and thats the time for reflection. My writting is again soo confused but let say the book is on the way and my minds cant stop thinking about my fantasy trip.
The plan is simple! Im going home next week. For two weeks. But i just decided i will stay one week, canceled the fligh back and take my car to travel back to Finland. At this moment i dont care about snow and icy road. I care about what the little kid inside of me is saying. Make memories. Smile and enjoy the road. The road trough Austria, Czech republic, Poland, Lithuania, Litva, Estonia and Finland. and after up north...or down south, or just east to Mongolia or west to the San Francisco...i dont know. Life is full of surprises...being on the road always was my style of life, now when i find the place where i want to live, the place where i feel safe even though here is not much sun i think i made second home. But being on the road, sharing experience and working with all kind of kids will always be big part of me. This is one thing i know for sure. I will grow, i will fly, i will fall still many times but i will continue on my road. For the ones who need this crazy girl on their way to show them they can, this crazy girl that believe even if its not easy.
And my parents doesnt know im coming home (surprise,surprise) soo i will be more than happy if this can stay secret another week :D kiitos

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."


sobota, 10. januar 2015

25ur, 1300km, trije Slovenci, -33°C in ena želja :)

Tokrat bi rada pisala o dogodivščini, katere edina pomanjkljivost je bila ta, da je bila prekratka. Po drugi strani pa mislim, da je ravno to bil njen največji čar :)

O obisku Laponske nisem nikoli zares razmišljala. (Laponska je ime za kulturno regijo, ki jo poseljujejo Laponci. Leži v Severni Evropi znotraj arktičnega kroga in vključuje severne dele Skandinavije ter polotok Kola v Rusiji) ne vem, tudi že potem ko sem se preselila na Finsko sem še vedno imela občutek kako daleč in kako ne zanimiva je. Da bi se v tem trenutku res najrajši dvakrat zabila v steno. In ja ponovno morem priznat, da pač rabim šolo. Ker tokrat pa osebno mislim, da če ne bi obiskala tega dela sveta bi nekaj zamudila...kako lahko zamudimo, nekaj česar ne poznamo? Lahko sanjarimo :) ja lahko. O sanjarjenju čez dan in beganju našim misli v druge svetove, bom govorila v prihodnjem blogu. 
Torej, zakaj smo se podali na sever? Pravijo, da se na Finskem splača igrat EuroJack pot. Tudi mi smo ga na nek način. V Kuopio, kjer živim že skoraj pol leta, sta me obiskala prijatelja Sara in Miha. Kuopio je osmo največje mesto na Finskem in spada pod severno Savonijo, ki je na srednjem vzhodnem delu Finskem. (in the middle of the nowhere iskreno povedano).
Ko me tako daleč vstran od doma obiščejo prijatelji, je nekaj kar tako na hitro ne morem opisati ( Kristijanbo tudi vedel o čem govorim) je neprecenljivo. Včasih se razdalje zgodijo z razlogom in okrepijo vezi, včasih ne. To je življenje. Torej navdušena nad obiskom takoj po vseh dobrotah polnih praznikih, sem študirala kaj bi počeli. 
Sara in Miha sta prišla z eno željo - videti severni sij :) uff sem mislila to je loterija. Res loterija. In logično za nekoga če že potuje tak daleč da si to želi doživeti. Bilo me je strah priznam. Ker je to pač del na katerega ne morem vplivat. Na koncu se je za mnogo naš "nevaren" road trip sprevrgel v eno izmed doživetij življenja. V kratko zgodbo z ogromno detajli, in lahko skoraj trdim da smo dobili severni aurora borelias jackpot :) mislim, da je vsem v tistem trenutku pomenil več kot vse ostalo.
Kako smo se road tripa lotili? Brez kakršnih koli planov in načrtov. Jap. Brez pretiranega razmišljanja. Enostavno smo rezervirali avto in se odločili da štartamo v ponedeljek zjutraj in se peljemo proti severu lovit severni sij.
Vsi Finci so mi rekli da smo nori. Da so razmere na cestah grozne in .....tntntnt okej, ceste so bile ledene dobesedno, naša povprečna hitrost pa ni šla preko 63km/h. Malo smo se zafrkavali da bi bla v Sloveniji na taki razdaljo vsaj120km/h plus tega bi prišla vsaj 5x od Maribora pa do Kopra in nazaj.

Po osem urni vožnji (volan smo si delili, poslušanju nove plate od Mi2 - hvala Matej) in Sarinem odkritju the best finske radijske postaje. Smo prispeli v božičkovo deželo. Zunaj -30°C. Zebe me. Miha brez rokavic. Mene lulat. Lačni smo. Pa pozni tudi. Odpravimo se do info točke, ki nam jo pred nosom zaprejo, mrtvo hladno. Sara hvala bogi najde res prijazno finsko teto, ki nam poda vse potrebne informacije. Vučko si kupi rokavice. Svet je vsaj za nekaj trenutkov lep. Dokler ne začnemo ugotavljat, da je zunaj megleno. Kar našo željo po severnem siju oddaljuje in se v nekem trenutku zazdi jackpot bolj realen. Odpravimo se v center Rovaniemija, kjer Miha končno poskusi meso severnega jela. Navdušeni nad mesto, ugotavljamo kaj bomo. Gremo kr nazaj v Kuopio? Čaka nas še 8 ur vožnje po trdi temi. Sara se ne da in vztraja. Gremo se vozit samo proti severu kak daleč gre. Ideja se mi sicer v prvem trenutku zdi tvegana. Popijemo kavo, vučko mislim da je spil 3 (ker so mu bile tak dobre) okej to da je Sari pa Miheju finska kava dobra kdaj drugič - pač mam weirdo prijatelje. Vsedemo se v avto in peljem proti severu. Debatiramo. Se smejemo - vse tiste naše male momente težko opišem, ostali bodo v naših spominih. Vozim. Na kar na svoji desni na nebu zagledam - severni sij. To je to. Narava in stvari, ki se jih ne da kupiti. Mislim da smo delili čarobne trenutke, vsak si je zagotovo po tihem nekaj zaželel. Mislim, da se je Miheju želja izpolnila, saj smo čez pou ure srečali severne jelene, ki so se sprehajali po cesti - zelo simpatična bitja :)
Mislim da nismo potrebovali več. Sara pravi nekaj iz bucket lista je odkljukano. No to da smo "scali" za avtom pri - 33°C , ker sem se bala da bo urin medtem ko teče zmrznil? (se opravičujem za ogabnost, ljudje pač imamo potrebe) no razlog skor 200km nobene pumpe, dobesedno nikjer nič. Vožnja domov je bila, ma saj se niti ne spomnim. Sara je vozla, z vučom sma spala. Potem sem še malo jaz vozla...ni važno. Važno je to kaj je pokazala Sara. Če si nekaj zares želiš pol vztrajaš. Mislim, da smo zaradi njene trme vztrajali proti severu in doživeli once in a life time experience :)

O tem, da smo ob prihodu domu v Kuopio, mrtvo utrujeni, ujeli sonce (tak lepi dan še tukaj ni bil od septembra) in hodili po vodi? Ja očitno nam je nekaj ali nekdo bil naklonjen. Spanec po dogodivščini pa top! Sara in Vučko - hvala :)
Dragi moji bralci naslednjič se vrnem s sanjarjenjem in ne pozabite VZTRAJAT, če ne probaš ali ne vprašaš bo rezultat vedno ne!
In jaz verjamem in vztrajam na svoji poti, kjer odkrito čarobnost z veseljem delim z drugimi!
Muri jr.

Dolga pot domov/ A long way home/ Pitkä matka kotiin

Time flies....part I. It has been a while, few years to be more precise, since I have wrote some personal blog. Meanwhile I did write f...