sreda, 22. februar 2017

Kick off - Villages on move Baltic

Villages? Baltic? Move?

The project name is Villages on move Baltic and it simply means we will motivate villagers who live in rural areas around Baltic Sea to move and include more of HEPA (Health-enhancing physical activity) into their daily life. 

FIRST STOP: KICK OFF seminar: Kyyhkylä, Finland

Villages on move Baltic project, has started with kick off seminar in Kyyhkylä, Finland on Sunday 19th of February 2017. First I would like to mention that location was amazing, "rural area" with historically important facilities, where we were having meetings. And where were sleeping, eating and went to sauna – one of the most important things if you are visiting Finland.

The atmosphere was good, since very beginning I fell in love with the place and people. On Sunday evening, we were setting up the conference room, to be ready for a long Monday and waiting for our partners from Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Should we shake hands or hug? This question often cross my mind during international projects. When you meet someone for the very first time, for example in Slovenia, we shake hands. Luckily, I was travelling a lot around the world, so I got many hugs on first meetings as well :) but this time I went with shaking hands and it turns out that I will get a lots of hugs just two days after.

After registration and formalities, we went for a dinner and tried to get to know each other. Some of the participants already knew each other from previous collaborations on international projects. And the others that have not meet before were excited to get new international friends. But on the first evening we were not really into party all night long mood, we were all tired, so we went to sleep relatively early, anyway next day was starting at 7 a.m.

Monday 20th of February, 7.20 a.m.

 Calm Finnish music was playing in the lobby and 2 Finnish ladies, 2 Danish gentlemans, 2 Danish ladies, 2 Lithuanian ladies, 1 Latvian lady, 2 Estonian ladies and me (Slovenian lady, with Finnish flag around my neck) were doing morning exercises before breakfast. Thank you Mari, for soft wake up. It felt that everyone enjoyed as much as myself. 

Breakfast, too much food. Again. We had short chat with one of the Estonian ladies, that this seminars always makes you feel fat. I guess it is all about hotel buffet food and hungry eyes :) well anyway no worries we just had sport activities before.

Around 8 a.m. seminar began. In this blog I wont go into details about #villagesonmove project, I will just write shortly about the experience and if you would like to know more about the project, feel free to ask and follow :)

Visiting University of applied science Mikkeli
Project team

Monday was a long day, mostly sitting, listening, debating and learning. Luckily we had Jekku ("stress ball") that Mari brought with her. Thank you Mari! She brough kind of yoga pad for the chairs as well. It was a bless!!! I guess everyone loved Jekku. It was thrown to a person when someone noticed it is a "crucial" moment and we need to stand up and do little exercise :) 

Lunch. Lots of food. Again. :) no nappy time after lunch. Work. We got some special visitors (experts in different areas concerning our project. One of them was a lovely Finnish lady who had a presentation about culture of experimentation).

Steering committee meeting 

When work day ended we had opportunity to try nordic walk. It was a great experience for me. I was always thinking this is kind of boring thing. Walking. I actually felt whole upper body, well I have had intense upper body work out the day before, but still I think this is a great exercise and especially outdoor activity. Another lesson for me, not to judge before trying! Experimentation, here we go again!

Dinner. Foooood again? Yes. And delicious. International partners enjoyed the food and were really excited about going to sauna and swimming in the frozen lake :D I kinda skipped that one.

Sauna is always a good idea. I really enjoyed talking with people, getting to know them better and listening to their stories. Everyone has so much experiences on professional levels it was a great opportunity to share, ask and learn. The only problem was - the kick off seminar was to short :( 

At some point we have started to talk about Eurovision song contest :) and since then I was listening Fly on the wings of love on repeat :D you can noticed I was talking with Danish people :) could not say much about Slovenian artist since they have never won. I always loved this cultural exchange conversations.

(link if you just started to feel like listening to this ever classic)

What is the best thing to do after sauna? SLEEP.

Tuesday 21st of February, 8.00 a.m.

Good morning.

Everyone really tired, but still smilling. Maybe you can not noticed from the blog, but previous day we had started seminar at 7.20 a.m. just with food breaks till evening. Just to justified why I am keep saying we were tired :) I dont know why I always feel like I need to justified something. Nevermind.
Seminar continued. Planning. New ideas. Budget review. Next meeting: Latvia.

I could use 30 pages to write all about what I have learned during two days. I have always enjoyed working on the international projects on different topics. And I got few ideas what I am going to work on in the future :) I am really looking forward to that. And of course to be part of #villagesonmove!

In my point of view best part of the seminar was just before saying goodbye and getting all those hugs mentioned in the beginning of the blog, visiting nursing home. Old people have really special place in my hearth and I am really happy I have this awareness inside of me :) they are all grandparents for me. I got new friend Kalle. We went for a walk. He was very lovely, when I asked him if he feels cold (it was maybe -5 degrees, but windy). Nooo way, was his answer. "Aha, you are Finnish", was my response. :)

I was proud of myself managing talking decent Finnish with him :) this voluntary part of the kick off seminar was a detail, but everyone enjoyed. I am volunteer since I was 15 years old. This is always going to be part of my life. About volunteering I was writing in some previous blogs and I will write more in the future. I think that actually we are all volunteers in a different ways :) but more next time. I feel I was writing whole afternoon, and if someone is reading this, I hope you did not get bored :) but if you did, I didnt :D 

My new friend Kalle

But it is time to say goodbye.  I got hugs and Danish partners got Fazer chocolate candies for the long way back home.

See you soon!


Dolga pot domov/ A long way home/ Pitkä matka kotiin

Time flies....part I. It has been a while, few years to be more precise, since I have wrote some personal blog. Meanwhile I did write f...